I can't believe we were able to school this week! We were still sick in the beginning of the week, especially Jason. The kids were real troopers and they really do not like being bored! We are almost %100 better but still have a little congestion.
- Bible- Bible stories/Reading
- Memory Chapter- 1 Corinthinthians 13 cont.
- Hymn-Review and Begin Silent Night
- Exercises-Stretching, Jumping Jacks, push ups, lunges, squats, calve raises,Running in place, jacknife/ Begin Yourself Fitness
- Science
-Considering God's Creation- Atmosphere Experiment with flashlight demonstrating the effects of direct sunlight vs. indirect/proximity of sun.
-Hot/Cold air molecules
-Discover and Do video
-Microscope:Sugar, salt, cayenne pepper, onion, carrot, cheerio
- Handicrafts-Sewing lessons/Christmas projects/Toby-Paper
- Reading:
Charlotte-Journey to the Center of the Earth; Facing Death
Reading to summer: Robin Hood
Independent: Cont. Bark of Bog Owl
- Computer Science-HTML, GIMP lessons/practice, begin lessons on CSS
- Art-Gimp
- People Study/Character Building-Persecuted people in other countries/ Write a letter through prinsoner alert/Encouraging letter
- Math- Combination between Captivated Minds and Math workbooks
Toby and Summer-math workbooks
- Writing-Correct sentences from last week that didn't get corrected/Read about the correct formation of paragraphs
- Preschool-Workbook/Books read
- Toddler-Cutting/Pasting