- Bible- Bible stories/Reading
- Memory Chapter- 1 Corinthinthians 13-Finished!!!!!! Yahoo, the kids have done so great!
- Hymn-Review previous songs, practice Silent Night Stanzas
- Exercises-Stretching, Myself Fitness(XBOX)
- Science
- Considering God's Creation
- Experiment demonstrating the various states of water and why they are the way they are(speed of molecules)
- Rotation(Used spinning egg as example)
- Article from Britannica kids online regarding water and it's states
- Handicrafts-Sewing lessons/Kaitlyn's skirt
- Reading:
Charlotte- Reading the adult version of Journey to the Center of the Earth(she liked the beginning of the kids version of this book and decided she wanted to read the adult version for more detail.
Kaitlyn- West to the Land of Plenty(Dear America) and a few misc books that she is reading on her own
Toby-Hop-Finished! He finished level 5..Go Toby!!
- Computer Science-Continue lessons on CSS
- Art-Artwork for webpages
- People Study/Character Building-Service
- Math- Math workbooks
Toby and Summer-math workbooks
- Writing- LA workbook for grammar, Letter to grandparents
- Preschool-Workbook/Books read
- Toddler-Cutting/Pasting/Puzzles, etc...