Monday, February 23, 2009

I'm back

I had a great time at the retreat. It was refreshing but mostly just challenging :) I am glad to be back home. I missed everyone! We had a huge shock last night at church but I am not at liberty to speak about it(nothing bad within the church, just very...interesting) Anyway, when we got back we had a vomit marathon. I don't know what happened but I think the kids just wanted to let me know that I was REALLY back home! LOL So, we evidently are sick AGAIN!! I don't think this will last more than a day though. I think it is a little virus. I am praising God that I am home and am able to glorify him through the taking care of my little ones. I found out that I left for the retreat and forgot to put a load of laundry in the dryer. My Mil started putting them in the dryer and found out I had left a poopy diaper in the clothes. And get this, nothing dissolved! It was everywhere they said. I felt so bad!! She told them not to tell me until I got home and I am grateful because that would have really bothered me. I love her so dearly. She puts up with my lack of homemaking skills. I am looking forward to the week, we might make it a light school week :)

1 comment:

Shelby said...

Your mother in law sounds so sweet, what a blessing :). I am glad you had a good time and I hope you all are all better :)!