Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Bike riding again

I gotta tell you, it feels soo good to ride again! Jason and I have been going up to our local park and taking turns riding with the older ones while one of us stays with the little people as they get stronger on their bikes. It is a much needed mini vacation every time I get on the bike. I am not a terribly strong person but I LOVE to ride. Breathing in the fresh air and praising God for his creation is so invigorating. I am looking forward to the day when Daniel will be able to ride in one of our trailers. Then we can all go together! Jason and I both pull a trailer on the back with 2 kids in tow. It's tough but it's so worth it. We went out last night and Alex is doing so good on his bike(with training wheels). I wasn't sure how he would do but he is catching on. Andrew does much better on the scooter so he will still need to ride in the trailer until next year. Summer LOVES to ride. I can't believe it. She talks about it all the time. You would never expect her to like it because she is so sweet and girly. I really enjoy having my girls as my bike buddies. When the older ones get stronger we are going to take them on the tough paths through another local park. Those are very difficult but so much more fun because they are not paved. That might be next year but we will see.

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