Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weekly Review`

Wow this week was super busy and super fun! We went to the YMCA only once because we had some other things that needed to get done. We had a very productive week. We got to go to the zoo with my Mil, I finished Kaitlyn's and Summer's skirts, I was able to go to a homeschool Mom's get together, and I was able to attend choir again! Kaitlyn passed the Association drill as well. She is very excited about that. I think I have developed a consistent way to give the kids their piano lessons. I have struggled with this for a while but things seem to be coming together. I have been giving Kaitlyn guitar lessons(and learning myself) too. That is so much fun. Charlotte wants to start violin but that would be too expensive. I just don't have the money to buy both of us one. I would be teaching her so that means that I would have to have one too. I would love to do it but that doesn't seem very likely. I feel bad because we initially told her that she has to learn basic piano first. That has been about a year ago. She told Jason last night that every time she practices she thinks of the violin. His heart melted. Jason and the two older girls went to a Daddy Dinner Dance last night at our church. They got all dressed up(including Jason-in a suit) and wore corsages. They looked beautiful. They took pictures there so I am hoping that I will be able to update with pics. It is good for me to be busy. There is less time for my mind to wonder(worry). As long as I stay focused on God and make sure that the things I am doing are not TOO much, it is a good thing. It was a really good week, thank you Lord.

1 comment:

Marsha said...

I would love for you to email me about how you are teaching guitar and piano. I am trying that too, but we tend to cut it often.